Eating spicy foods has been going on for thousands of years and while we should point out that none of these claims have been endorsed by the fda, there are benefits that can’t be ignored.

Pain Relief

Yes! Pain relief in many parts of the body including migraines. Ever wonder why those pain creams and patches feel hot and not just icy? Because the heat that Capsaicin creates is naturally a pain reliever.

Increased Metabolism (Which can lead to weight loss)

Capsaicin increases metabolism in the body and gets everything going, because of this, there is great news, you can increase your metabolic rate and shed some pounds while enjoying your favorite spicy flavors! In addition people after eating spicy foods feel less hungry and end up eating less so it’s a win win!

Lowered Blood Pressure

Studies in laboratory mice have shown regular intake of spicy foods resulted in lower blood pressure as well as relaxed blood vessels in pigs which as a result lowered their blood pressure. Of course these results were done on animals and we can’t know for sure if those results work the same on humans, but the results are still promising!